"Get the Money Shot" Florida Realtor Magazine Article - Joyce Marsh

Joyce Marsh - previously featured in the Article April 2012 Florida Realtors Magazine
"Marketing your Luxury Property" - "Get the Money Shot" Great photos sell. "Luxury Niche" Realtor Joyce Marsh shares the tricks of her
Institute for Luxury Home Marketing - Luxury Insights Blog

April 24, 2012 Get the Money Shot
We talk a lot about the importance of GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY when
it comes to marketing luxury real estate. In fact it is one of the most
important elements of your marketing. Institute for Luxury Home
Marketing member Joyce Marsh shares her tips on good photography
in "Get the Money Shot" in the current issue of Florida Realtor Magazine.
We talk a lot about the importance of GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY when
it comes to marketing luxury real estate. In fact it is one of the most
important elements of your marketing. Institute for Luxury Home
Marketing member Joyce Marsh shares her tips on good photography
in "Get the Money Shot" in the current issue of Florida Realtor Magazine.

Joyce Marsh Joins Regal | Christie's International Real Estate
Appointed Regional Manager over all central Florida offices...
Joyce Marsh Joins Regal | Christie's International Real Estate
Appointed Regional Manager over all central Florida offices...
Joyce Marsh shares luxury lifestyle trends...updates on the luxury market

Joyce M. MarshRSSFollowSubscribe Joyce Marsh, accomplished interior designer, home stager, and luxury real estate professional based in the Orlando, Florida area. She founded Joyce Marsh Interior Design, a prominent interior design firm and has been an award winning real estate sales professional specializing in the upper-tier luxury homes market. Her affiliation with the prestigious Christie's International Real Estate's worldwide luxury brand has enabled her to expand her market internationally networking with luxury consumers around the world. She has also been recognized by the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing for her accomplishments, knowledge and expertise in the area of luxury real estate in central Florida. Contact Joyce via email.